“Aha Naa Pellanta” is a web series directed by Sanjeev Reddy. Produced in collaboration with Zee5, the comic series stars Raj Tarun and Shivani Rajashekar. Kicked off in April, the series will soon start streaming this month. To detail about the progress of the collaboration, the team organized a press meet for the flick and Shivani Rajashekar attended it in a printed saree.
Take a look at the pictures below and get some styling tips-
The powder blue hued saree is printed with white floral lattices all over its body. Though it does seem like a simple drape, it has its beauty rested upon the borders studded with pearls and mirror buttas in silver. It also has pink and yellow lace detailing on either side of the border. It is paired with a sleeveless pink blouse with sheer straps.
Her jewel choices included a pair of oxidized silver earrings with pearls and a set of bangles. A pleated hairdo with blushed cheeks, kohl-rimmed eyes and nude lips complemented the look.