Actress Sobhita Dhulipala also made her way to the last leg of “Ponniyin Selvan-I” promotions. The team had gathered in Chennai for an exclusive press meet and Sobhita flew from Mumbai to attend it. She wore a sheer ivory saree by Rishi and Vibhuti for the occasion. It is from their Rajnigandha collections.
The organza saree is embroidered with floral motifs detailed in black thread work extensively. In fact, the lower half is mermaid cut and veers into the likes of a gown. The floral piping-bearing saree is paired with a deep-neck sleeveless blouse in black. Unlike the saree, it is not embellished.
She stacked up the look with a pair of stylish earrings and a couple of hand ornaments by Kishandas Jewellery. Her shades belonged to Balenciaga. She rounded out the look with winged eyes, contoured cheeks and nude lips.
Click HERE to buy the saree worth Rs.38,500!