No party is complete until the power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are there. So for Arpita Khan’s iftar party, the lovey-dovey couple was spotted together and we are in love. While Ranveer experimented with his style in a colourful shirt and pants, Deepika resorted to a black velvet kurta set by Sabyasachi.
Check out the pictures below and see how she styled it-
The long kurta is adorned with hand embroidery in thread and silver stones tilla work on its neckline that reminds of Persian art. It is paired with a dhoti that is left plain and shines in its make. She wore the set sans a dupatta.
For jewellery, she wore a long diamond set studded with diamonds by Sabyasachi Jewelry. Her pair of black stilettos also caught our attention and we love it. A neat bun with contoured cheeks, kohl-rimmed eyes and glossy lips added to her beauty.