After a long hiatus, South India’s most loved actress Nazriya Nazim is making a comeback. Nazriya will be debuting in Telugu with Nani in “Ante Sundaraniki”. The movie has its teaser launched last day amid a huge crowd. For the event, Nazriya chose a lilac pant set that looked stylish.
Take a closer look at the outfit and get some styling tips-
The 3 piece set consisted of long pants, a plain top and a matching coat. While the silk coat had a crown printed on it, the pants wear left sans any. On the other hand, the silk top that she wore inside also seemed to be plain.
She styled the look with a pair of pearl earrings, a diamond ring and a violet strapped watch. She also wore some chic beige heels that looked perfect. A wavy hairdo with winged eyes, blushed cheeks and nude lips accentuated her beauty.