It seems actress Nivetha Thomas is all set to welcome the festive week this month. The actress who has managed to gain a number of followers with her performance in “Vakeel Saab”, treated her fans with some pictures in a green pattu saree. And needless to say, these became an instant hit on social media.
Read on to know how she styled it-
The saree has its body sans prints while the border makes up for it with gold pattu detailing. The broad pattu border also extends to its pallu rounded off with tassels. She paired it with a matching green blouse with pattu on its short sleeves.
 To let the saree take the forefront, she went sans neckpiece. However, she decided to make up for it with a set of ruby studded pearl jhumkas. Her high ponytail with blushed cheeks, a bindi, detailed eyemakeup and maroon lips completed the look.