It is no news that actress Sai Pallavi has yet again been receiving rave reviews for her acting skills. This time the critics were impressed with her dance and role in Sekhar Kammula’ s “Love Story” also starring Naga Chaitanya. The film has already been declared a hit and, therefore, the team decide to throw a success party last day. Sai decided to wear a black Anarkali by Ritu Kumar for the event.
Check out the pictures below to see how she styled it-
The viscose Anarkali boasted no prints or adornment except for its micro pleated body. Moreover, the extra long-sleeved Anarkali is paired with a pair of solid black churi bottoms. However, the dupatta is in beige and features traditional prints depicting floral motifs adding some contrast to the monochromatic attire.
She styled it with nothing but a pair of simple stone studded earrings and a pair of simple grey flats. Natural makeup with a simple hairdo and nude lips complemented her look.
To buy the outfit worth Rs.17,500, click HERE!