Actress Surbhi Puranik has managed to create a loyal audience of her own ever since her debut in Tamil. The actress who was on a small hiatus is all ready for her next venture in Telugu, “Sashi.”The pre-release event of the movie was held yesterday and Surbhi rocked a blood red lehenga.
Check out the pictures below to see how she looked-
The 3-piece set includes a mid-waist lehenga, a short-sleeved choli and a dupatta.
The outfit features chikankari work on it with thread and mirrors. Moreover, the lehenga is tasselled with its ruffle dupatta featuring buttis and prints in silver along the hemline. The sweetheart neckline and hemline added to the uniqueness of the set.
Though she went sans heavy accessories, Surabhi styled it with a diamond necklace studded with custom-made red stones. Blushed and contoured cheeks, lined eyes, orange hue lips and loose hair completed the look.