Couple style has always been cover page news, be it Brangelina or our very own Saifeena. Couple style has become one of the sought out topics and we see all the poor grooms/ boyfriends/husbands being shoved into absolutely matching color clothes by their better halves aiming to create some sort of order and establishing the sense of style. This sometimes falls flat and the overall look is bad. So here are some tips and suggestions to rock your couple style.

Keeping it subtle
You need not make your partner wear the same color dress as yours. Instead of that let his tie or shirt match the color of your dress. If he is wearing a kurta or sherwani you could match it in such a way that it does not clash. Matching colors does not mean the same color all the time. Please keep that in mind. Combos like black and white work beautifully.

Dressing as per Event
When both of you put some effort and dress up for an event, it by default creates your own style statement. When you are going for a formal event make sure your partner is also dressed up in formals. Do not clash in terms of color for a pleasing effect.
Teaming up as a saree and dhoti or a saree and suit always will give a thumbs up. Always remember to dress alike, meaning if you are going casual try to make your partner go casual as well and if traditional is the choice then both of you can dress traditional. This creates an impact.
For Brides and Grooms
If you are going to get married shortly then starting from the pre wedding photo shoot you will need to create a unique couple style. Try to co-ordinate your outfits before-hand in terms of color, kind and event. This will minimize the fashion faux pas that can be committed. Take up the wedding couple style game from casual to semi -formal to traditional and formal. It is not nice to see a couple dressed completely casual for a formal event and vice versa.
Also remember that you will have those fancy backdrops and do not end up matching your outfits to that or clashing with that either.
A unique couple style does not have any hard and fast rules. You need to be comfortable and confident while show casing your special style to the world. That is when you make a mark to all the others in calling you a super couple!!